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Why Do Cats Knead Blankets and Other Soft Surfaces

Felines are naturally very curious creatures. A cat kneading on blankets or other soft surfaces is one of the most common puzzling actions. You may have seen your feline gently pressing a soft blanket, pillow, bed, sofa or even on your lap. Sometimes they do it alternating left and right leg. Undoubtedly, it is very cute to see but you might wonder what does it mean when cats knead?

In this blog we will discuss everything about this behavior and what to do for it. The topics of the article are following:

  1. What is Cat Kneading
  2. Why Do Cats Knead Blankets & Other Surfaces
  3. The Benefits of Cat’s Making Biscuits
  4. When Kneading is a Matter of Concern
  5. Common Myths About Cat Kneading on Blanket or Surfaces
  6. Decoding of Your Cat Making Biscuits Signals
  7. Pro Tips for Cat Owners
  8. Celebrating the Quirks of Being a Cat Lover


What is Cat Kneading? - Brief Overview[1]

Cat kneading describes making their toes alternately on a flat surface like blanket, pillow, bed or even a human's lap. This interesting behaviour is also called “making biscuits”. It is a natural instinct of kittens that starts from kittenhood. Kneading is a sign that a cat feels safe, content, and relaxed in its environment. If you want to understand more clearly, you can check the video below:


Why Do Cats Knead Blankets & Other Surfaces?

Cats knead for several reasons, many of which connect to their wild ancestors and their early days as kittens. Although the precise reasons for this behavior are still up for discussion, there are a few commonly accepted theories:

1. Preparing a Cozy Sleeping Spot [2]

Kneading the surface of grasses, leaves, or soft ground is much and often done by wild cats to create a sleeping area for themselves. In the case of domesticated cats, kneading can also be observed when they knead blankets, pillows, or even clothing. This behavior is instinctive and may be seen by owners as creating a place for rest before lying down. An activity that today is hardly associated with hunting, might instead be said to be engraved on the modern house cat's instincts.

2. A Sign of Kitten's Comfort [3]

The thing really becomes apparent when you see a litter of kittens nursing. They usually knead the bellies of their mothers to encourage the flow of milk. This is behavior that starts in kittenhood. However, it can carry on well into adulthood. This activity is comforting and nurturing for cats. Some felines retain this behavior in the older age for self-comforting. Even though they can show up when they don't need nursing.

3. Marking Territory [4]

Cat’s paw pads work as a scent cheek. When they start pawing on the surface, it releases a little bit of their unique scent. This scent is called “cat perfume”. By kneading a blanket, your cat doesn't know it, but it's really saying, "This is mine!" By doing this, they proclaim a certain territory (and perhaps show some kind of bonding with you).

4. A Sign of Affection [5]

It should be  considered as a big compliment if you find your pet making biscuits on your lap. Because this behavior is a sign of a feline friend's happiness, feeling security and close to his/her favorite human. Cats can't speak like humans for expressing compliments. This is their way of saying they trust the owner!

5. Stretching and Exercise [2]

This behavior is also good for cats as it helps them stretch their muscles and keeps their paws flexible. Just as humans stretch to relieve tension, cats may make biscuits to keep their limbs limber and agile.

6. Possible Mating Behavior [2]

Sometimes, even female cats may make biscuits as part of their mating behavior. When it is in heat, a female feline will knead the surface and exhibit the other signs of being ready to mate.


The Benefits of a Cat’s Making Biscuits [3]

Cat making biscuits has huge benefits on their physical and mental  health. That’s why we should encourage this instinct.

Physical Benefits 

While kneading, cats will be able to stretch their paw muscles and maintain the flexibility that is so critical to their overall mobility and lifestyle. Each push works the joints and muscles, keeping them lumber and ready to leap into action (or, you know, lounge around like royalty).

Emotional Benefits 

If cats knead on surfaces, they become relaxed and happy. Just like purring, kneading stimulates the release of endorphins, helping to stress release. For some cats, kneading is the ultimate form of self-soothing after a hard day's work of naps.

Making biscuits is normally harmless but sometimes it can be the reason for their discomfort if their claws are sharp. If your cat is kneading on you a little too vigorously, consider putting a soft cat blanket on your lap or gently guiding them to a different surface.


When Kneading is a Matter of Concern?[6]

Kneading is adorable and satisfying behavior still sometimes it can indicate the sign of issues. Below are the some issues that should be kept in consideration:

Excessive or Oppressive Kneading:

If you find your feline companion kneads excessively and if it appears suddenly, it may be a sign of anxiety or stress. They could be attempting to comfort themselves. Inspect the other indications of distress such as excessive meowing, hiding, changes in appetite, or aggression. In some cases, oppressively showing this behavior may indicate an underlying medical issue. That’s why we recommend that you immediately meet a vet for consultation.

Destructive Kneading:

Cats can really get into their kneading, particularly if their claws are a bit long. This can lead to scratch on your skin, harm to your furniture, or even snagging of fabrics. Trim their nails regularly to protect potential injury.

Kneading Accompanied by Other Symptoms:

If your cat starts to knead in addition to other strange signs such as being more lethargic, suddenly not eating, vomiting, diarrhea, or changing its litter habits, seek veterinary attention quickly. These symptoms could indicate a medical problem that needs to be diagnosed and treated as early as possible.

Sudden Abstention of Kneading:

It is less common but if you notice a sudden decrease or pause of this behavior in your pet that it used to do, it may be an indication of health problems. This is a clear sign that your pet is not feeling well or experiencing pain. Immediately consult with a veteran for help.

Note: Kneading behavior is very satisfying. There is no reason for concern without some less common issues. If your kitty friend does it on your lap, keep in mind it is showing its faith that you are fully able to protect him/her. Sometimes, it is a way to relieve stress.


Common Myths About Cat Kneading on Blanket or Surfaces

Unfortunately, there are still some misconceptions about kneading. By addressing these myths, we can help ensure that our furry friends are better understood.

Myth 1 - Kneading Only Happens in Female Cats 

This is not true. Both male and female felines can show this behavior. It is their natural instinct for seeking comfort most of the time. Gender is not the influencer of this behavior without female mating behavior.

Myth 2 - Kneading Means Your Cat is in Pain 

Cats show this behavior maximum time to relieve stress. It is a sign of contentment. If this behavior is observed in tandem with other strange behaviors by your cat, contact your veterinarian for a precautionary check.

Myth 3 - Cats Knead Before Sleeping, Like Dogs Circling Before Bed 

It may seem very similar to dogs preparing their sleeping place but it is not the same behavior. Cats not only do it for sleeping but also they can show it for expressing their feeling of happiness and affection.


Decoding of Your Cat Making Biscuits Signals 

When your cat shows the behavior of making biscuits, they’re trying to communicate with you. Here’s how to understand those cute, rhythmic paw pushes.

On Your Lap 

If your kitty friends do it on your lap, you should feel honored. It is a sign that they are comfortable and feeling secure and cherishing their bond with you. 

On Owners of Own Cat Blanket or Bed

Their used cat blankets contain the smell of their body and their owners blanket bear the familiar scent of the owner. That’s why it is a way for your cat to relax while marking that specific cozy spot as “theirs.”

With Loud Purring 

Kneading and purring together create the ultimate joy. Your cat is showing you some serious affection!


what to do for cat kneading on blanket and other surfaces

Pro Tips for Cat Owners 

Though kneading is normal, as a cat owner you need to make some adjustments for comfort for both you and your cat.

Keep Those Claws Trimmed 

A kneading session on bare legs can be painful if your cat’s claws are too sharp. Also, if they do it on your lap, it can injure you. That’s why you should make sure to keep their nails trimmed to prevent any uncomfortable moments for them and to prevent injury for you.

Set Up a Kneading Zone 

It is important to create a kneading zone for your cat to support this behavior. This will help to protect your furniture and potential injury when they do it on your lap. Offer your cat soft blankets, a comfy bed or house to create a cozy kneading zone. Your pet will appreciate it because they love soft plush blanket.

Don’t Discourage the Behavior 

Kneading is a natural behavior for cats, and trying to stop it could confuse or distress them. Instead, guide them to safe, soft areas where they can knead freely and happily.


Celebrating the Quirks of Being a Cat Lover 

Kneading is one of the many ways cats showcase their wild and unique personalities. By understanding this behavior, you can strengthen your bond and provide better care for your feline companion. Never discourage this behavior. Keep in mind if your cat shows this behavior she/he is feeling secure and comfortable.




  1. Kneading of cats. 🔗 By Wikipedia
  2. About cat kneading and the reason? 🔗 By Warrick Vet
  3. Learn about cats behaviors 🔗 By Purina
  4. Is my cat kneading normal? 🔗 By AAHA
  5. What is kneading? 🔗 By Blue Cross
  6. Why do cats knead? 🔗 By NEXGARD®



Note: Our blogs are the result of extensive research. We have gathered information from reliable sources, and our team has provided guidance throughout the process. However, if you come across any misleading information, we encourage you to leave a comment.

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